15 Interesting and Polite Ways to Remind Someone Who Promised You a Job

Interesting and Polite Ways to Remind Someone Who Promised You a Job

Finding a job in today’s highly competitive job market can be a challenging and demanding endeavor. This intense competition means that having a contact come to express interest in your skills and mention you for a role becomes viewed as a significant commitment.  However, such verbal promises or discussions about potential opportunities can sometimes be … Read more

40 Clever Responses to “Happy Tuesday”

Clever Responses to Happy Tuesday

Your response to any compliment depends on how the speaker makes the statement. A harsh and direct compliment could mean something pretentious, while a pleasant and well-structured comment shows a genuine feeling of camaraderie. Compliments go beyond festivities; anyone can compliment you anytime and any day of the week. This includes telling someone a ‘Happy … Read more

35 Correct Responses to “Happy Monday”

correct responses to Happy Monday

Not all responses deserve an answer, while others, depending on the speaker’s intent, require the listener to deduce the meaning before answering. Among such statements is the phrase ‘Happy Monday’. Conventionally, telling someone ‘Happy Monday’ is like wishing them a blissful day ahead and indirectly saying that things go well with their endeavor as the … Read more

20 Netflix and Chill Memes

Netflix and Chill Memes

This article has been drafted just for fun. As you read on, you will come across twenty  Netflix and chill memes that you will be very likely able to relate to. 20 Netflix and Chill Memes Netflix and chill slumber party yet I see truth or dare cards. Netflix and chill but I’m gonna sleep … Read more